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技术 2022年11月14日
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 DELETE FROM ecm_member_login_session
WHERE (number , client_code) IN (
SELECT number, client_code FROM mall.ecm_member_login_session GROUP BY number , client_code HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)
AND update_time NOT IN (
SELECT MAX(update_time) FROM mall.ecm_member_login_session GROUP BY number , client_code HAVING COUNT(*) > 1);


 14:57:04    DELETE FROM ecm_member_login_session  WHERE (number , client_code) IN (   SELECT number, client_code FROM mall.ecm_member_login_session GROUP BY number , client_code HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)   AND update_time NOT IN (   SELECT MAX(update_time) FROM mall.ecm_member_login_session GROUP BY number , client_code HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)     Error Code: 1093. You can't specify target table 'ecm_member_login_session' for update in FROM clause    0.046 sec

后来在 嵌套查询语句里面再嵌套一层即可, 是因为mysql限制update(包括delete)操作表名与嵌套子查询语句里的表名一样的原因。


 DELETE FROM ecm_member_login_session
WHERE (number , client_code) IN (
SELECT number, client_code from (SELECT number, client_code FROM ecm_member_login_session GROUP BY number , client_code HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) A)
AND update_time NOT IN (
SELECT update_time from (SELECT MAX(update_time) FROM ecm_member_login_session GROUP BY number , client_code HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) A);


 上面是目前MYSQL5.0仍然有的限制,文档中说: In general, you cannot modify a table and select from the same table in a subquery. For example, this limitation applies to statements of the following forms: DELETE FROM t WHERE ... (SELECT ... FROM t ...);UPDATE t ... WHERE col = (SELECT ... FROM t ...);{INSERT|REPLACE} INTO t (SELECT ... FROM t ...); Exception: The preceding prohibition does not apply if you are using a subquery for the modified table in the FROM clause. Example: UPDATE t ... WHERE col = (SELECT (SELECT ... FROM t...) AS _t ...); Here the prohibition does not apply because a subquery in the FROM clause is materialized as a temporary table, so the relevant rows in t have already been selected by the time the update to t takes place. 


mysql error 1093 解决方法



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