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技术 2022年11月14日
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// Create the query definition.
IQueryDef queryDef = featureWorkspace.CreateQueryDef();// Provide a list of tables to join.
queryDef.Tables = "streets, altname";// Set the subfields and the WhereClause (in this case, the join condition).
queryDef.SubFields = "streets.NAME, streets.TYPE, altname.ST_NAME, altname.ST_TYPE";
queryDef.WhereClause = "streets.OBJECTID = altname.JOINID";// Get a cursor of the results and find the indexes of the fields to display.
using(ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
ICursor cursor = queryDef.Evaluate();
int streetsNameIndex = cursor.FindField("streets.NAME");
int streetsTypeIndex = cursor.FindField("streets.TYPE");
int altnameNameIndex = cursor.FindField("altname.ST_NAME");
int altnameTypeIndex = cursor.FindField("altname.ST_TYPE"); // Use the cursor to step through the results, displaying the names and altnames of each
// street.
IRow row = null;
while ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null)
Console.WriteLine("Street name: {0} {1}. - Alt. name: {2} {3}.",
row.get_Value(streetsNameIndex), row.get_Value(streetsTypeIndex),
row.get_Value(altnameNameIndex), row.get_Value(altnameTypeIndex));
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