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技术 2022年11月14日
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记一下日常见到的一些奇怪的 Markdown / LaTeX 用法…



LaTeX 数学

1. 运算符

1.1 造运算符:

a \operatorname{sin} c | \(a \operatorname {sin} c\)

2. 特殊符号

2.1 点


  • \dotsc for “dots with commas” | \(a \dotsc b\)
  • \dotsb for “dots with binary operators/relations” | \(a \dotsb b\)
  • \dotsm for “multiplication dots” | \(a \dotsm b\)
  • \dotsi for “dots with integrals” | \(a \dotsi b\)
  • \dotso for “other dots” (none of the above) | \(a \dotso b\)
  • \dots output the most suitable form based on the immediate context
    • a \dots b | \(a \dots b\)
    • a + \dots + b | \(a + \dots + b\)
    • \int_{a_1}\int_{a_2} \dots \int_{a_n} | \(\int_{a_1}\int_{a_2} \dots \int_{a_n}\)


  • \cdots | \(a \cdots b\)
  • \vdots | \(a \vdots b\)
  • \ddots | \(a \ddots b\)
  • \ldots | \(a \ldots b\)

For example:

A & B & \cdots\ &C\\
D & E & \cdots\ & F\\
 \vdots   & \vdots & \ddots  & \vdots  \\
 G & H & \cdots\ & I\\

A & B & \cdots\ &C\\
D & E & \cdots\ & F\\
 \vdots   & \vdots & \ddots  & \vdots  \\
 G & H & \cdots\ & I\\

2.2 分数/二项式系数

\(\TeX\) style:

  • {a \over b} | \({a \over b}\)
  • {a \atop b} | \({a \atop b}\)
  • {a \choose b} | \({a \choose b}\)
  • {a \brack b} | \({a \brack b}\)
  • {a \brace b} | \({a \brace b}\)
  • generate:
    • {a \above dimension(nullable) b}

      • dimension: xpt; 0.4pt as default; 0pt hide
      • {a \above 0.5pt b} | \({a \above 0.5pt b}\)
      • {a \above {} b} | \({a \above {} b}\) (error in mathjax…)

\(\LaTeX\) style:

  • \frac ab | \(\frac ab\)

  • \binom ab | \(\binom ab\)

  • generate:

    • {\genfrac leftdelimiter rightdelimiter dimension style numerator denominator}
    • leftdelimiter, rightdelimiter, dimension, style, numerator, denominator are all nullable, you could use {} instead
      • style (nullable):

        • 0 denotes \displaystyle
        • 1 denotes \textstyle
        • 2 denotes \scriptstyle
        • 3 denotes \scriptscriptstyle
      • \genfrac(]{0pt}{2}{a+b}{c+d} | \(\genfrac(]{0pt}{2}{a+b}{c+d}\)
      • \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{a+b}{c+d} | \(\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{a+b}{c+d}\)
  • other:

    • \dfrac: fraction in the display style | \(\dfrac ab\)
    • \tfrac: fraction in the text style | \(\tfrac ab\)
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