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技术 2022年11月13日
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拿Twitter中timeline API返回的数据为例:

 [   {     ......     "text": "just another test",     ......     "user": {       "name": "OAuth Dancer",       ,       "entities": {         "url": {           "urls": [             {               "expanded_url": null,               "url": "http://bit.ly/oauth-dancer",               "indices": [                 ,               ],               "display_url": null             }           ]         }       ......     },     "in_reply_to_screen_name": null,   },   ......]


 let jsonObject : AnyObject! = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(dataFromTwitter, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil) if let statusesArray = jsonObject as? NSArray{     ] as? NSDictionary{         if let user = aStatus["user"] as? NSDictionary{             if let userName = user["name"] as? NSDictionary{                 //终于我们得到了`name`             }         }     } }


 let jsonObject : AnyObject! = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(dataFromTwitter, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil) ] as? NSDictionary)?["user"] as? NSDictionary)?["name"]{   //上面这一堆是个啥?? }



let json = JSONValue(dataFromNetworking)if let userName = json[0]["user"]["name"].string{  //恩~ `name`到手,就这么简单}


 let json = JSONValue(dataFromNetworking) ]["wrong_key"]["wrong_name"].string{   //冷静,嘿嘿~ 调用不存在的["wrong_key]也不会crash滴, .string最终能安全的返回一个字符串或`nil` } let json = JSONValue(jsonObject) switch json["user_id"]{ case .JString(let stringValue):     let id = stringValue.toInt() case .JNumber(let doubleValue):     let id = Int(doubleValue) default:     println("ooops!!! JSON Data is Unexpected or Broken")



通过看源代码,才了解到它是创建了一个JSONValue枚举,这个枚举中有一个JInvalid类型。当使用json字符串来构造JSONValue对象时,如果无法构建成功,就会返回这个JInvalid枚举对象,然后对这个JInvalid枚举对象继续处理,会继续返回JInvalid。直到对其调用string, number, bool之类来获取Swift中的数据类型值时,才会返回nil


同时,它给JSONValue枚举还创建了其它json中使用到的各种类型JNumber, JString, JBool,它们能通过构造器将原始值包装起来,然后最后通过对应的numberstringbool等属性方法来拆包,得到原始值。


json-swift 和 SwiftyJSON 的比较

最近微博上 @SwiftLanguage 让我对这两个库做个简单比较,所以就有了下文:


它们都解决了原来访问JSON类型数据时,必须手动downcast的繁琐操作,如原来要json[“blogs”]? as? Array,现在json[“blogs”]?即可。SwiftyJSON更进一步,连?也可以省掉,使用上更接近Objective-C风格;json-swift保留了?,跟Swift整体风格一致,此外还提供了直接从字面值实例化的便捷操作。


if you love it, please page to :https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON

 Why is the typical JSON handling in Swift NOT good? Swift is very strict about types. But although explicit typing is good for saving us from mistakes, it becomes painful when dealing with JSON and other areas that are, by nature, implicit about types. Take the Twitter API for example. Say we want to retrieve a user's "name" value of some tweet in Swift (according to Twitter's API https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/statuses/home_timeline). The code would look like this: let JSONObject: AnyObject? = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: nil, error: nil) if let statusesArray = JSONObject as? [AnyObject],    let status = statusesArray[] as? [String: AnyObject],    let user = status["user"] as? [String: AnyObject],    let username = user["name"] as? String {     // Finally we got the username } It's not good. Even if we use optional chaining, it would be messy: let JSONObject: AnyObject? = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: nil, error: nil) ] as? [String: AnyObject])?["user"] as? [String: AnyObject])?["name"] as? String {     // What a disaster } An unreadable mess--for something that should really be simple! With SwiftyJSON all you have to do is: let json = JSON(data: dataFromNetworking) ]["user"]["name"].string{   //Now you got your value } And don't worry about the Optional Wrapping thing. It's done for you automatically. let json = JSON(data: dataFromNetworking) ]["wrong_key"]["wrong_name"].string{     //Calm down, take it easy, the ".string" property still produces the correct Optional String type with safety } else {     //Print the error     println(json[]["wrong_key"]["wrong_name"]) } Requirements     iOS 7.0+ / Mac OS X 10.9+     Xcode 6.1 Integration CocoaPods (iOS +, OS X 10.9+) You can use Cocoapods to install SwiftyJSONby adding it to your Podfile: platform :ios, '8.0' use_frameworks! target 'MyApp' do     pod 'SwiftyJSON', '~> 2.2.0' end Note that it needs you to install CocoaPods  version, and requires your iOS deploy target >= 8.0: Carthage (iOS +, OS X 10.9+) You can use Carthage to install SwiftyJSON by adding it to your Cartfile: github  Manually (iOS +, OS X 10.9+) To use this library in your project manually you may:     for Projects, just drag SwiftyJSON.swift to the project tree     for Workspaces, include the whole SwiftyJSON.xcodeproj Usage Initialization import SwiftyJSON let json = JSON(data: dataFromNetworking) let json = JSON(jsonObject) if let dataFromString = jsonString.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false) {     let json = JSON(data: dataFromString) } Subscript //Getting a double from a JSON Array let name = json[].double //Getting a string from a JSON Dictionary let name = json["name"].stringValue //Getting a string using a path to the element let path = [,,"name"] let name = json[path].string //Just the same let name = json[][]["name"].string //Alternatively let name = json[,,"name"].string //With a hard way let name = json[].string //With a custom way let keys:[SubscriptType] = [,,"name"] let name = json[keys].string Loop //If json is .Dictionary for (key: String, subJson: JSON) in json {    //Do something you want } The first element is always a String, even if the JSON is an Array //If json is .Array //The `index` is 0..<json.count's string value for (index: String, subJson: JSON) in json {     //Do something you want } Error Use a subscript to get/set a value in an Array or Dictionary If the json is:     an array, the app may crash with "index out-of-bounds."     a dictionary, it will get nil without a reason.     not an array or a dictionary, the app may crash with an "unrecognised selector" exception. It will never happen in SwiftyJSON. let json = JSON(["name", "age"]) ].string {     //Do something you want } else {     println(json[].error) // "Array[999] is out of bounds" } let json = JSON([]) if let name = json["address"].string {     //Do something you want } else {     println(json["address"].error) // "Dictionary["address"] does not exist" } let json = JSON() ].string {     //Do something you want } else {     println(json[])       // "Array[0] failure, It is not an array"     println(json[].error) // "Array[0] failure, It is not an array" } if let name = json["name"].string {     //Do something you want } else {     println(json["name"])       // "Dictionary[\"name"] failure, It is not an dictionary"     println(json["name"].error) // "Dictionary[\"name"] failure, It is not an dictionary" } Optional getter //NSNumber if let id = json["user"]["favourites_count"].number {    //Do something you want } else {    //Print the error    println(json["user"]["favourites_count"].error) } //String if let id = json["user"]["name"].string {    //Do something you want } else {    //Print the error    println(json["user"]["name"]) } //Bool if let id = json["user"]["is_translator"].bool {    //Do something you want } else {    //Print the error    println(json["user"]["is_translator"]) } //Int if let id = json["user"]["id"].int {    //Do something you want } else {    //Print the error    println(json["user"]["id"]) } ... Non-optional getter Non-optional getter is named xxxValue //If not a Number or nil, return 0 let id: Int = json["id"].intValue //If not a String or nil, return "" let name: String = json["name"].stringValue //If not a Array or nil, return [] let list: Array<JSON> = json["list"].arrayValue //If not a Dictionary or nil, return [:] let user: Dictionary<String, JSON> = json["user"].dictionaryValue Setter json["name"] = JSON("new-name") json[] = JSON() json[ json["coordinate"].double =  8766.766 json["name"].string =  "Jack" json.arrayObject = [,,,] json.dictionary = [] Raw object let jsonObject: AnyObject = json.object if let jsonObject: AnyObject = json.rawValue //convert the JSON to raw NSData if let data = json.rawData() {     //Do something you want } //convert the JSON to a raw String if let string = json.rawString() {     //Do something you want } Literal convertibles For more info about literal convertibles: Swift Literal Convertibles //StringLiteralConvertible let json: JSON = "I'm a json" //IntegerLiteralConvertible let json: JSON =   //BooleanLiteralConvertible let json: JSON =  true //FloatLiteralConvertible let json: JSON =  2.8765 //DictionaryLiteralConvertible let json: JSON =  ["I":"am", "a":"json"] //ArrayLiteralConvertible let json: JSON =  ["I", "am", "a", "json"] //NilLiteralConvertible let json: JSON =  nil //With subscript in array var json: JSON =  [,,] json[] = json[] = json[] = json[] =  //Don't worry, nothing will happen //With subscript in dictionary var json: JSON =  [] json["name"] = "Mike" json[" //It's OK to set String json["address"] = "L.A." // Add the "address": "L.A." in json //Array & Dictionary var json: JSON =  [, "list": ["a", "b", "c", ["what": "this"]]] json[]["what"] = "that" json[,"what"] = "that" let path = [,"what"] json[path] = "that" Work with Alamofire SwiftyJSON nicely wraps the result of the Alamofire JSON response handler: Alamofire.request(.GET, url, parameters: parameters)   .responseJSON { (req, res, json, error) in     if(error != nil) {       NSLog("Error: \(error)")       println(req)       println(res)     }     else {       NSLog("Success: \(url)")       var json = JSON(json!)     }   }
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