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技术 2022年11月13日
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Study the projects done by previous student groups

  - View their blog site, use their software, email them and find their retrospective (经验教训)

  - If you were their team member, what would you do differently to make it more successful?

  - What’s your lesson for PICKING your software project?

  – This is the 1st homework for the team.  (Team Homework #1)

    + Create a Cnblogs.com  blog for your team,

    + Add it as a friend to www.cnblogs.com/jiel

    + Share your learning of a previous team

  - Decide the roles of each team member (Team Homework #2)

    + Introduction of each team member, with photos

  - Team Homework #3

    + 软件工程在北航

    + 采访以前上过北航  (计算机系/软件学院) 软件工程课的同学。现在上研/工作的也可以。

    + 汇报下列信息:

      * 平均每周花在这门课上的时间 (包括上课/作业/上机)

      * 平均写的代码总行数 (不包括注释, 空行, 单字符行)

      * 觉得学到的最有用的部分

      * 觉得最没用的部分

      * 你觉得《软件工程》最应该改进的地方是什么?

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