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技术 2022年11月12日
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in the spirit of sharing… this is a method I use frequently to run shell scripts. you can add a script to your product bundle (in the copy phase of the build) and then have the script be read and run at runtime. note: this code looks for the script in the privateFrameworks sub-path. warning: this could be a security risk for deployed products, but for our in-house development it is an easy way to customize simple things (like which host to rsync to…) without re-compiling the application, but just editing the shell script in the bundle.

-(void) runScript:(NSString*)scriptName
NSTask *task;
task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
[task setLaunchPath: @"/bin/sh"]; NSArray *arguments;
NSString* newpath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",[[NSBundle mainBundle] privateFrameworksPath], scriptName];
NSLog(@"shell script path: %@",newpath);
arguments = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:newpath, nil];
[task setArguments: arguments]; NSPipe *pipe;
pipe = [NSPipe pipe];
[task setStandardOutput: pipe]; NSFileHandle *file;
file = [pipe fileHandleForReading]; [task launch]; NSData *data;
data = [file readDataToEndOfFile]; NSString *string;
string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: data encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog (@"script returned:\n%@", string);
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