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技术 2022年11月12日
0 收藏 363 点赞 3,792 浏览 489 个字
---分组partition by;统计:Count();合并:for xml path('')
with cte as(
select COUNT(t2.Id) OVER(PARTITION BY t2.Id) as Count,t1.Contact,t1.OrderNo
,t2.Name,t2.Wechat,t2.Id from B_BusinessOrder t1 join Sys_User t2
on t1.UserId=t2.Id where DATEDIFF(d,GETDATE(),DepartureDate)=3
and t1.IsDeleted=0 and t1.[States]=2 and t2.IsDeleted=0
),cte2 as (
select distinct Id,(SELECT Contact+'-'+OrderNo+',' FROM cte
WHERE Id=t3.Id FOR XML PATH('')) as Contact,Name,Wechat,Count from cte t3
)select LEFT(Contact,len(Contact)-1) as Contact,Name,Wechat,Count from cte2
日期:2022-11-24 点赞:878 阅读:9,488
Educational Codeforces Round 11 C. Hard Process 二分
C. Hard Process题目连接:http://www.codeforces.com/contest/660/problem/CDes…
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下载Ubuntn 17.04 内核源代码
zengkefu@server1:/usr/src$ uname -aLinux server1 4.10.0-19-generic #21…
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可用Active Desktop Calendar V7.86 注册码序列号
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一、Struts2的获取  Struts的官方网站为:http://struts.apache.org/  下载完Struts2的jar包,…
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