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技术 2022年11月12日
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struts -执行流程

  • When a client request is given, a web container will receive request
  • Web container loads web.xml and verifies whether the url-patterns are verified or not, if matches web-container transfer the request to FilterDispatcher
  • FilterDispatcher hand overs the request to ActionProxy, it is a proxy class which is responsible to apply before and after services to original business logic
  • ActionProxy contacts ConfiguraionManager class, to know the suitable Action for the request and the needed services for the request
  • ConfigurationManager class loads structs.xml and provides the required information back to ActionProxy
  • ActionPorxy delegates the request along with its information to ActionInvocation
  • ActionInvocation executes the interceptors added to an Action from 1 – N, after that it will call the business logic implemented from N – 1 in reverse order
  • ActionInvocation receives finally result produced by an action aclass
  • ActionProxy transfers the result back to FilterDispatcher
  • FilterDispatcher selects an appropriate view, basing on the result
  • Finally FilterDispatcher uses RequestDispatchers forwarding mechanism and forward a view as a response back to the client
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