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技术 2022年11月12日
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 <picker name="category" mode="selector" range="{{category}}" range-key="title" value="{{categoryInd}}" bindchange="category">        <input data-id='{{category[categoryInd].categoryID}}' name="category" type='text' value='{{category[categoryInd].title}}' disabled='true'></input>      </picker>

range: 指定数组


value: 下标









<!--pages/productReleased/productReleased.wxml--><!--商品发布--><form bindsubmit="formSubmit">  <!--商品名称-->  <view class='title'>    <view class='title_text'>      <text>商品名称:</text>      <input name="title" type='text' value='{{title}}' bindblur='titleBlur'></input>    </view>  </view>  <!--商品价格-->  <view class='title'>    <view class='title_text'>      <text>商品价格:</text>      <input name="price" type='number' value='{{price}}' bindblur='priceBlur'></input>    </view>  </view>  <!--商品信息-->  <view class='info-point'>    <view class='title_text'>      <text>商品信息:</text>      <textarea name="info" class='textarea' value='{{info}}' bindblur='infoBlur'></textarea>    </view>  </view>  <!--商品卖点-->  <view class='info-point'>    <view class='title_text'>      <text>商品卖点:</text>      <textarea name="point" class='textarea' value='{{point}}' bindblur='pointBlur'></textarea>    </view>  </view>  <!--商品类别-->  <view class='title'>    <view class='title_text'>      <text>商品类别:</text>      <picker name="category" mode="selector" range="{{category}}" range-key="title" value="{{categoryInd}}" bindchange="category">        <input data-id='{{category[categoryInd].categoryID}}' name="category" type='text' value='{{category[categoryInd].title}}' disabled='true'></input>      </picker>       <span class='icon iconfont icon-weibiaoti34'></span>    </view>  </view>  <!--商品类型-->  <view class='title'>    <view class='title_text'>      <text>商品类型:</text>      <picker name="type" mode="selector" range="{{type}}" range-key="name" value="{{typeInd}}" bindchange="type">        <input id='{{type[typeInd].id}}' name="type" type='text' value='{{type[typeInd].name}}'disabled='true'></input>      </picker>      <span class='icon iconfont icon-weibiaoti34'></span>    </view>  </view>  <!--商品状态-->  <view class='title'>    <view class='title_text'>      <text>商品状态:</text>      <picker name="state" mode="selector" range="{{state}}" range-key="name" value="{{stateInd}}" bindchange="state">        <input id='{{state[stateInd].id}}' name="state" type='text' value='{{state[stateInd].name}}'disabled='true'></input>      </picker>      <span class='icon iconfont icon-weibiaoti34'></span>    </view>  </view>  <!--上传图片-->  <view class='upImv'>    <view class='upImv_text'>轮播图片上传</view>    <view class="addImv">      <!--这个是已经选好的图片-->      <view wx:for="{{banner}}" wx:key="key" class="upFile" bindtap="showImageBanner" style="border-radius: 5px" data-id="{{index}}">        <image class="itemImv" src="{{item}}"></image>        <image class="closeImv" src="../../resources/images/delect.png" mode="scaleToFill" catchtap="deleteImvBanner" data-id="{{index}}"></image>      </view>      <!--这个是选择图片-->      <view class="chooseView" bindtap="chooseBanner" style="border-radius: 5px" wx:if="{{chooseViewShowBanner}}">        <image class="chooseImv" src="../../resources/images/add.png"></image>      </view>    </view>    <view class='upImv_text'>详情图片上传</view>    <view class="addImv">      <!--这个是已经选好的图片-->      <view wx:for="{{detail}}" wx:key="key" class="upFile" bindtap="showImageDetail" style="border-radius: 5px" data-id="{{index}}">        <image class="itemImv" src="{{item}}"></image>        <image class="closeImv" src="../../resources/images/delect.png" mode="scaleToFill" catchtap="deleteImvDetail" data-id="{{index}}"></image>      </view>      <!--这个是选择图片-->      <view class="chooseView" bindtap="chooseDetail" wx:if="{{chooseViewShowDetail}}">        <image class="chooseImv" src="../../resources/images/add.png"></image>      </view>    </view>  </view>  <button form-type='submit' class='sureRelease'>确认发布</button></form>


// pages/productReleased/productReleased.jsvar app = getApp();Page({  /**   * 页面的初始数据   */  data: {    title: "",    info: "",    point: "",    price: "",    type: [{      name: "实物",      id: 0    }, {      name: "虚拟",      id: 1    }],    state: [{      name: "下架",      id: 0    }, {      name: "上架",      id: 1    }],    productID: 0,    category: [],    categoryInd: -1, //类别    typeInd: 0, //类型    stateInd: 1, //状态    banner: [], //轮播图片    bannerNew: [],    bannerAll: [],    detail: [], //详情图片    detailNew: [],    detailAll: [],    checkUp: true, //判断从编辑页面进来是否需要上传图片    chooseViewShowDetail: true,    chooseViewShowBanner: true,    params: {      productID: 0,      contentFile: "",      bannerFile: "",      check: false,    },    dis: false,  },  /**   * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载   */  onLoad: function(options) {    this.setData({      productID: options.productID    })    this.getCategory();  },  /**   * 获取标题   */  titleBlur(e) {    this.setData({      title: e.detail.value    })  },  /**   * 获取商品价格   */  priceBlur(e) {    this.setData({      price: e.detail.value    })  },  /**   * 获取商品信息   */  infoBlur(e) {    this.setData({      info: e.detail.value    })  },  /**   * 获取商品卖点   */  pointBlur(e) {    this.setData({      point: e.detail.value    })  },  /**   * 商品价格   */  price(e) {    this.setData({      price: e.detail.value    })  },  /**   * 商品类型   */  type(e) {    this.setData({      typeInd: e.detail.value    })  },  /**   * 商品状态   */  state(e) {    this.setData({      stateInd: e.detail.value    })  },  /**   * 商品类别   */  category(e) {    this.setData({      categoryInd: e.detail.value    })  },  /**   * 获取商品类别   */  getCategory() {    let params = {}    app.getCategoryList(params).then(res => {      var good = []      var g_type = res.data.categories[0].children //从接口中获取商品类别      for (var i = 1; i < g_type.length; i++) { //从下标为1开始循环,不显示全部        good[i - 1] = g_type[i] //将循环出来的数组,循环放入good中      }      this.setData({        category: good      })      if (this.data.productID != 0) { //防止先调用详情方法而不显示类别        if (res.state === 1) {          this.getProductDetail();        }      }    })  },  /**获取商品详情 */  getProductDetail() {    let params = {      userID: app.globalData.userID,      productID: this.data.productID    }    app.getReleaseProductDetail(params).then(res => {      let product = res.data.productDetail[0]      if (product.state) {        this.setData({          stateInd: 1        })      } else {        this.setData({          stateInd: 0        })      }      let categoryInd = -1;      for (var i = 0; i < this.data.category.length; i++) {        if (this.data.category[i].categoryID === product.categoryID) {          categoryInd = i          break;        } else {          categoryInd: -1;        }      }      if (product.bannerImages.length >= 2) {        this.setData({          chooseViewShowBanner: false        })      } else {        this.setData({          chooseViewShowBanner: true        })      }      if (product.detailImages.length >= 3) {        this.setData({          chooseViewShowDetail: false        })      } else {        this.setData({          chooseViewShowDetail: true        })      }      this.setData({        title: product.title,        info: product.info,        point: product.point,        typeInd: product.productType,        price: product.currentPrice,        banner: product.bannerImages,        detail: product.detailImages,        categoryInd: categoryInd      })    })  },  /**发布提交 */  formSubmit(e) {    let that = this    var priceTF = /^\d+(\.\d{1,2})?$/    if (e.detail.value.title === "") {      wx.showToast({        title: '请输入商品名称',        icon: "none",        duration: 1000,        mask: true,      })    } else if (e.detail.value.title.length > 60) {      wx.showToast({        title: '商品名称不得大于60字',        icon: "none",        duration: 1000,        mask: true,      })    } else if (e.detail.value.title.length === "") {      wx.showToast({        title: '请输入商品价格',        icon: "none",        duration: 1000,        mask: true,      })    } else if (!priceTF.test(e.detail.value.price)) {      wx.showToast({        title: '商品价格精确到两位',        icon: "none",        duration: 1000,        mask: true,      })    } else if (e.detail.value.info === "") {      wx.showToast({        title: '请输入商品信息',        icon: "none",        duration: 1000,        mask: true,      })    } else if (e.detail.value.point === "") {      wx.showToast({        title: '请输入商品卖点',        icon: "none",        duration: 1000,        mask: true,      })    } else if (that.data.categoryInd === -1) {      wx.showToast({        title: '请选择商品类别',        icon: "none",        duration: 1000,        mask: true,      })    } else if (that.data.typeInd === -1) {      wx.showToast({        title: '请选择商品类型',        icon: "none",        duration: 1000,        mask: true,      })    } else if (that.data.stateInd === -1) {      wx.showToast({        title: '请选择商品状态',        icon: "none",        duration: 1000,        mask: true,      })    } else if (that.data.banner.length === 0) {      wx.showToast({        title: '请选择轮播图片',        icon: "none",        duration: 1000,        mask: true,      })    } else if (that.data.detail.length === 0) {      wx.showToast({        title: '请选择详情图片',        icon: "none",        duration: 1000,        mask: true,      })    } else {      let params = {        userID: app.globalData.userID,        productID: that.data.productID,        title: e.detail.value.title,        price: e.detail.value.price,        info: e.detail.value.info,        point: e.detail.value.point,        categoryID: that.data.category[that.data.categoryInd].categoryID,        productType: that.data.type[that.data.typeInd].id,        state: that.data.state[that.data.stateInd].id      }      wx.showModal({        title: '提示',        content: '确定发布商品',        success(res) {          if (res.confirm) {            if (that.data.productID != 0) {              that.sureEdit(params); //编辑            } else {              that.sureRelease(params); //发布            }            that.setData({              dis: true,            })          }        }      })    }  },  /**确认发布 */  sureRelease(params) {    let that = this    app.addProduct(params).then(res => {      that.data.params.productID = res.data.productID;      that.data.params.bannerFile = res.data.bannerFile;      that.data.params.contentFile = res.data.contentFile;      for (var i = 0; i < that.data.banner.length; i++) {        wx.uploadFile({          url: app.globalData.baseUrl + '/wechat/release/addProductPhoto',          filePath: that.data.banner[i],          name: 'banner',          formData: {            'parameters': JSON.stringify(that.data.params)          },        })        if (that.data.banner.length === i + 1) {          for (var j = 0; j < that.data.detail.length; j++) {            if (that.data.detail.length === j + 1) {              that.data.params.check = true            }            wx.uploadFile({              url: app.globalData.baseUrl + '/wechat/release/addProductPhoto',              filePath: that.data.detail[j],              name: 'detail',              formData: {                'parameters': JSON.stringify(that.data.params)              },              success: function(res) {                if (JSON.parse(res.data).state === 1) {                  wx.showToast({                    title: '商品发布成功',                    icon: "none",                    duration: 2000,                    mask: true,                    success() {                      setTimeout(function() {                        wx.navigateBack({                          delta: 0,                        })                      }, 1000);                    }                  })                } else {                  wx.showToast({                    title: '商品发布失败,请稍后再试',                    icon: "none",                    duration: 2000,                    mask: true,                    success() {                      setTimeout(function() {                        wx.navigateBack({                          delta: 0,                        })                      }, 1000);                    }                  })                }              },              fail: function(res) {                if (JSON.parse(res.errMsg) === "request:fail socket time out timeout:6000") {                  wx.showToast({                    title: '请求超时,请稍后再试!',                    icon: "none",                    duration: 2000,                    mask: true,                    success() {                      setTimeout(function() {                        wx.navigateBack({                          delta: 0,                        })                      }, 1000);                    }                  })                }              }            })          }        }      }    })  },  /**确认编辑 */  sureEdit(params) {    let that = this    app.addProduct(params).then(res => {      that.data.params.productID = res.data.productID;      //判断编辑页面下是否只改变了文字数据,选择图片后checkUp为false      if (that.data.checkUp && res.state === 1) {        wx.showToast({          title: '商品修改成功',          icon: "none",          duration: 2000,          mask: true,          success() {            setTimeout(function() {              wx.navigateBack({                delta: 0,              })            }, 1000);          }        })      }      //判断编辑页面下是否改变了图片 改变了则uploadFile      else {        that.checkBanner();        that.checkDetail();        //如果没有添加直接删除图片的话        if (that.data.bannerAll.length === 0 && that.data.detailAll.length === 0) {          wx.showToast({            title: '商品修改成功',            icon: "none",            duration: 2000,            mask: true,            success() {              setTimeout(function() {                wx.navigateBack({                  delta: 0,                })              }, 1000);            }          })        }        //只改变bannerAll情况下,detailAll为空直接将bannerAll往数据库写入        else if (that.data.detailAll.length === 0) {          for (var i = 0; i < that.data.bannerAll.length; i++) {            if (that.data.bannerAll.length === i + 1) {              that.data.params.check = true            }            wx.uploadFile({              url: app.globalData.baseUrl + '/wechat/release/addProductPhoto',              filePath: that.data.bannerAll[i],              name: 'banner',              formData: {                'parameters': JSON.stringify(that.data.params)              },              success: function(res) {                if (JSON.parse(res.data).state === 1) {                  wx.showToast({                    title: '商品修改成功',                    icon: "none",                    duration: 2000,                    mask: true,                    success() {                      setTimeout(function() {                        wx.navigateBack({                          delta: 0,                        })                      }, 1000);                    }                  })                } else {                  wx.showToast({                    title: '商品修改失败',                    icon: "none",                    duration: 2000,                    mask: true,                    success() {                      setTimeout(function() {                        wx.navigateBack({                          delta: 0,                        })                      }, 1000);                    }                  })                }              },              fail(res) {                if (JSON.parse(res.errMsg) === "request:fail socket time out timeout:6000") {                  wx.showToast({                    title: '请求超时,请稍后再试!',                    icon: "none",                    duration: 2000,                    mask: true,                    success() {                      setTimeout(function() {                        wx.navigateBack({                          delta: 0,                        })                      }, 1000);                    }                  })                }              }            })          }        }        //只改变detailAll,不改变bannerAll的情况下,直接将detailAll写入数据库        else if (that.data.bannerAll.length === 0) {          for (var j = 0; j < that.data.detailAll.length; j++) {            if (that.data.detailAll.length === j + 1) {              that.data.params.check = true            }            wx.uploadFile({              url: app.globalData.baseUrl + '/wechat/release/addProductPhoto',              filePath: that.data.detailAll[j],              name: 'detail',              formData: {                'parameters': JSON.stringify(that.data.params)              },              success: function(res) {                if (JSON.parse(res.data).state === 1) {                  wx.showToast({                    title: '商品修改成功',                    icon: "none",                    duration: 2000,                    mask: true,                    success() {                      setTimeout(function() {                        wx.navigateBack({                          delta: 0,                        })                      }, 1000);                    }                  })                } else {                  wx.showToast({                    title: '商品修改失败',                    icon: "none",                    duration: 2000,                    mask: true,                    success() {                      setTimeout(function() {                        wx.navigateBack({                          delta: 0,                        })                      }, 1000);                    }                  })                }              },              fail: function(res) {                if (JSON.parse(res.errMsg) === "request:fail socket time out timeout:6000") {                  wx.showToast({                    title: '请求超时,请稍后再试!',                    icon: "none",                    duration: 2000,                    mask: true,                    success() {                      setTimeout(function() {                        wx.navigateBack({                          delta: 0,                        })                      }, 1000);                    }                  })                }              }            })          }        }        //如果detailAll和bannerAll都改变的情况下        else {          for (var i = 0; i < that.data.bannerAll.length; i++) {            wx.uploadFile({              url: app.globalData.baseUrl + '/wechat/release/addProductPhoto',              filePath: that.data.bannerAll[i],              name: 'banner',              formData: {                'parameters': JSON.stringify(that.data.params)              },            })            if (that.data.bannerAll.length === i + 1) {              for (var j = 0; j < that.data.detailAll.length; j++) {                if (that.data.detailAll.length === j + 1) {                  that.data.params.check = true                }                wx.uploadFile({                  url: app.globalData.baseUrl + '/wechat/release/addProductPhoto',                  filePath: that.data.detailAll[j],                  name: 'detail',                  formData: {                    'parameters': JSON.stringify(that.data.params)                  },                  success: function(res) {                    if (JSON.parse(res.data).state === 1) {                      wx.showToast({                        title: '商品修改成功',                        icon: "none",                        duration: 2000,                        mask: true,                        success() {                          setTimeout(function() {                            wx.navigateBack({                              delta: 0,                            })                          }, 1000);                        }                      })                    } else {                      wx.showToast({                        title: '商品修改失败',                        icon: "none",                        duration: 2000,                        mask: true,                        success() {                          setTimeout(function() {                            wx.navigateBack({                              delta: 0,                            })                          }, 1000);                        }                      })                    }                  },                  fail: function(res) {                    if (JSON.parse(res.errMsg) === "request:fail socket time out timeout:6000") {                      wx.showToast({                        title: '请求超时,请稍后再试!',                        icon: "none",                        duration: 2000,                        mask: true,                        success() {                          setTimeout(function() {                            wx.navigateBack({                              delta: 0,                            })                          }, 1000);                        }                      })                    }                  }                })              }            }          }        }      }    })  },  /**判断轮播新旧数组是否有相同值 */  checkBanner() {    let banner = this.data.banner    let bannerNew = this.data.bannerNew    let bannerAll = this.data.bannerAll    for (var i = 0; i < banner.length; i++) {      for (var j = 0; j < bannerNew.length; j++) {        if (banner[i] === bannerNew[j]) {          bannerAll = bannerAll.concat(bannerNew[j])          this.setData({            bannerAll: bannerAll          })        } else {          console.log("banner无相同")        }      }    }  },  /**判断详情新旧数组是否有相同值 */  checkDetail() {    let detail = this.data.detail    let detailNew = this.data.detailNew    let detailAll = this.data.detailAll    for (var i = 0; i < detail.length; i++) {      for (var j = 0; j < detailNew.length; j++) {        if (detail[i] === detailNew[j]) {          detailAll = detailAll.concat(detail[i])          this.setData({            detailAll: detailAll          })        } else {          console.log("detail无相同")        }      }    }  },  /** 选择图片detail */  chooseDetail: function() {    var that = this;    if (that.data.detail.length < 3) {      wx.chooseImage({        count: 3,        sizeType: [ 'compressed'],        sourceType: ['album', 'camera'],        success: function(photo) {          //detail中包含的可能还有编辑页面下回显的图片,detailNew中包含的只有所选择的图片          let detail = that.data.detail;          detail = detail.concat(photo.tempFilePaths);          let detailNew = that.data.detailNew          detailNew = detailNew.concat(photo.tempFilePaths)          that.setData({            detail: detail,            detailNew: detailNew,            checkUp: false          })          that.chooseViewShowDetail();          if (that.data.productID != 0) {            let params = {              productID: that.data.productID,              isBanner: false,              index: -1,            }            app.deleteProductImage(params).then(res => {              //判断不为空防止将原有图片全删除后文件夹名返回空              if (res.data.fileContent !== "" && res.data.fileBanner !== "") {                that.data.params.contentFile = res.data.fileContent                that.data.params.bannerFile = res.data.fileBanner              }            })          }        }      })    } else {      wx.showToast({        title: '限制选择3个文件',        icon: 'none',        duration: 1000      })    }  },  /** 删除图片detail */  deleteImvDetail: function(e) {    var that = this;    var detail = that.data.detail;    var itemIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.id;    if (that.data.productID != 0) {      wx.showModal({        title: '提示',        content: '删除不可恢复,请谨慎操作',        success(res) {          if (res.confirm) {            detail.splice(itemIndex, 1);            that.setData({              detail: detail,              checkUp: false            })            that.chooseViewShowDetail();            let params = {              productID: that.data.productID,              isBanner: false,              index: itemIndex,            }            app.deleteProductImage(params).then(res => {              if (res.data.fileContent !== "" && res.data.fileBanner !== "") {                that.data.params.contentFile = res.data.fileContent                that.data.params.bannerFile = res.data.fileBanner              }            })          }        }      })    } else {      detail.splice(itemIndex, 1);      that.setData({        detail: detail,        checkUp: false      })      that.chooseViewShowDetail();    }  },  /** 是否隐藏图片选择detail */  chooseViewShowDetail: function() {    if (this.data.detail.length >= 3) {      this.setData({        chooseViewShowDetail: false      })    } else {      this.setData({        chooseViewShowDetail: true      })    }  },  /** 查看大图Detail */  showImageDetail: function(e) {    var detail = this.data.detail;    var itemIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.id;    wx.previewImage({      current: detail[itemIndex], // 当前显示图片的http链接      urls: detail // 需要预览的图片http链接列表    })  },  /** 选择图片Banner */  chooseBanner: function() {    var that = this;    if (that.data.banner.length < 2) {      wx.chooseImage({        count: 2, //最多选择4张图片- that.data.imgArr.length,        sizeType: ['compressed'], // 可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有        sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // 可以指定来源是相册还是相机,默认二者都有        success: function(photo) {          var banner = that.data.banner;          banner = banner.concat(photo.tempFilePaths);          var bannerNew = that.data.bannerNew;          bannerNew = bannerNew.concat(photo.tempFilePaths);          that.setData({            banner: banner,            bannerNew: bannerNew,            checkUp: false          })          that.chooseViewShowBanner();          if (that.data.productID != 0) {            let params = {              productID: that.data.productID,              isBanner: false,              index: -1,            }            app.deleteProductImage(params).then(res => {              if (res.data.fileContent !== "" && res.data.fileBanner !== "") {                that.data.params.contentFile = res.data.fileContent                that.data.params.bannerFile = res.data.fileBanner              }            })          }        }      })    } else {      wx.showToast({        title: '限制选择2个文件',        icon: 'none',        duration: 1000      })    }  },  /** 删除图片Banner */  deleteImvBanner: function(e) {    var that = this    var banner = that.data.banner;    var itemIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.id;    if (that.data.productID != 0) {      wx.showModal({        title: '提示',        content: '删除不可恢复,请谨慎操作',        success(res) {          if (res.confirm) {            banner.splice(itemIndex, 1);            that.setData({              banner: banner,              checkUp: false            })            that.chooseViewShowBanner();            let params = {              productID: that.data.productID,              isBanner: true,              index: itemIndex,            }            app.deleteProductImage(params).then(res => {              if (res.data.fileContent !== "" && res.data.fileBanner !== "") {                that.data.params.contentFile = res.data.fileContent                that.data.params.bannerFile = res.data.fileBanner              }            })          }        }      })    } else {      banner.splice(itemIndex, 1);      that.setData({        banner: banner,        checkUp: false      })      that.chooseViewShowBanner();    }  },  /** 是否隐藏图片选择Banner*/  chooseViewShowBanner() {    if (this.data.banner.length >= 2) {      this.setData({        chooseViewShowBanner: false      })    } else {      this.setData({        chooseViewShowBanner: true      })    }  },  /** 查看大图Banner */  showImageBanner: function(e) {    var banner = this.data.banner;    var itemIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.id;    wx.previewImage({      current: banner[itemIndex], // 当前显示图片的http链接      urls: banner // 需要预览的图片http链接列表    })  },})


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