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技术 2022年11月12日
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这个报错通常是因为多个ssh key 验证,key太多了导致服务器拒绝接受认证请求。

可以通过 -v 参数,输出详细的过程。你会发现你提供的认证key,服务器拒绝链接,并提示异常:“Too many authentication failures for [user]”。


ssh-add -D


This is usually caused by inadvertently offering multiple ssh keys to the server. The server will reject any key after too many keys have been offered.

You can see this for yourself by adding the -v flag to your ssh command to get verbose output. You will see that a bunch of keys are offered, until the server rejects the connection saying: "Too many authentication failures for [user]". Without verbose mode, you will only see the ambiguous message "Connection reset by peer".

To prevent irrelevant keys from being offered, you have to explicitly specify this in every host entry in the ~/.ssh/config file by adding IdentitiesOnly like so:

Host www.somehost.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key_for_somehost_rsa
IdentitiesOnly yes
Port 22

If you use the ssh-agent, it helps to run ssh-add -D to clear the identities.

If you are not using any ssh hosts configuration, you have to explicitly specify the correct key in the ssh command like so:

ssh -i some_id_rsa -o 'IdentitiesOnly yes' them@there:/path/

Note: the ‘IdentitiesOnly yes’ parameter needed to be between quotes.


ssh -i some_id_rsa -o IdentitiesOnly=yes them@there:/path/


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