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技术 2022年11月11日
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I am using nginx and I have already add the line

    location /file/ {
rewrite ^/file/([-]+)/([-]+)/([^/]*)/([-]+)/(.*)$ /file.php?id=$&server=$&hash=$&expire=$&file=$ last;

in the conf file of the domain.

But the videos do not play.

I have try copy the parameters from the link to something like


and I can see the mp4 file playing when I put the url directly on the browser.

Yet it will return 403 if I put the follow directly on the browser.


So I suppose it is the problem of rewrite but I am not be able to figure out the causes.

How can I fix this problem?

OK, eventually I have figured it out.

we have to use

    location ^~ /file/ {
rewrite ^/file/([-]+)/([-]+)/([^/]*)/([-]+)/(.*)$ /file.php?id=$&server=$&hash=$&expire=$&file=$ last;

instead of

    location /file/ {...........}

otherwise it will keep searching for expressions and

location ~ \.mp4 {................}

which appears later will override the search for /file/, because apparently there will be a “.mp4” at the end of /file/ url.

I suggest symtab to change the instruction in the script zip file.

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