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技术 2022年11月9日
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最近在学go, 按照入门指南学完go的基础语法, 开始学习go的标准库;  借用生成这个小任务复习一下go的基础语法.

推荐go编辑, jb公司的goland, 超级好用.

推荐go入门指南, https://tour.go-zh.org/list

package mainimport (    "fmt"    "math/rand"    "sync")func main() {    //fmt.Println("random: ", rand.Intn(100))    res := Example(, )    ; i<len(res); i++ {        fmt.Println(i+,res[i])    }}/**len: 长度max: 个数随机生成长度为len的max个纯数字随机数 */func Example(length int, max int) []string{    // Seeding with the same value results in the same random sequence each run.    // For different numbers, seed with a different value, such as    // time.Now().UnixNano(), which yields a constantly-changing number.    //rand.Seed(42)    digitNumber := []string {        ",        ",        ",        ",        ",        ",        ",        ",        ",        ",    }    // 用make创建map    set := New()    for ; set.Len() < max ;  {        ranNumber := ""        ; j<length; j++ {            ranNumber += digitNumber[rand.Intn(len(digitNumber))]        }        if !set.Has(ranNumber){            set.Add(ranNumber)        }    }    return set.List()}/**构造set类型 */type Set struct {    m map[string]bool    sync.RWMutex}func New() *Set {    return &Set{        m: map[string]bool{},    }}func (s *Set) Add(item string) {    s.Lock()    defer s.Unlock()    s.m[item] = true}func (s *Set) Remove(item string) {    s.Lock()    s.Unlock()    delete(s.m, item)}func (s *Set) Has(item string) bool {    s.RLock()    defer s.RUnlock()    _, ok := s.m[item]    return ok}func (s *Set) Len() int {    return len(s.List())}func (s *Set) Clear() {    s.Lock()    defer s.Unlock()    s.m = map[string]bool{}}func (s *Set) IsEmpty() bool {     {        return true    }    return false}func (s *Set) List() []string {    s.RLock()    defer s.RUnlock()    list := []string{}    for item := range s.m {        list = append(list, item)    }    return list}
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