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技术 2022年11月8日
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I am trying to use Java 8 Streams to find elements in a LinkedList. I want to guarantee, however, that there is 1 and only 1 match to the filter criteria.

Take this code:

public static void main(String[] args) {    LinkedList<User> users = new LinkedList<>();
users.add(new User(1, "User1"));
users.add(new User(2, "User2"));
users.add(new User(3, "User3")); User match = users.stream().filter((user) -> user.getId() == 1).findAny().get();
}static class User { @Override
public String toString() {
return id + " - " + username;
} int id;
String username; public User() {
} public User(int id, String username) {
this.id = id;
this.username = username;
} public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
} public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;
} public String getUsername() {
return username;
} public int getId() {
return id;

This code finds a User based on their ID. But there are no guarantees how many Users matched the filter.

Changing the filter line to:

User match = users.stream().filter((user) -> user.getId() < 0).findAny().get();

Will throw a NoSuchElementException (good!)

I would like it to throw an error if there are multiple matches, though. Is there a way to do this?

java lambda stream java-8

share|improve this question edited Mar 27 at 17:40

asked Mar 27 at 17:25lambda — Filter Java Stream to 1 and only 1 element



count() is a terminal operation so you can’t do that. The stream can’t be used after. – ZouZou Mar 27 at 17:42 
Ok, thanks @ZouZou. I wasn’t entirely certain what that method did. Why is there noStream::size ? –  ryvantage Mar 27 at 17:44
@ryvantage Because a stream can only be used once: calculating its size means "iterating" over it and after that you can’t use the stream any longer. –  assylias Mar 27 at 17:45
Wow. That one comment helped me understand Streams so much more than I did before… –  ryvantage Mar 27 at 17:50


share|improve this answer edited Mar 27 at 20:20

answered Mar 27 at 17:33lambda — Filter Java Stream to 1 and only 1 element



@ryvantage I updated my answer with how I would do it with writing the own custom Collector, which I believe is the correct method. –  skiwi Mar 27 at 18:03
what do you think of my reduction? –  assylias Mar 27 at 18:32
@assylias I commented on your answer, I think this one i smore concise and more straight forward though and less error prone. –  skiwi Mar 27 at 18:38
The difference main between the two collectors is that the first will stop as soon as it finds a second matching item whereas the second will iterate through the whole list. – assylias Mar 27 at 22:57

Louis Wasserman’s, +1), but if you want brevity, I’d suggest the following:

List<User> result = users.stream()
.filter(user -> user.getId() == 1)

Then verify the size of the result list.

share|improve this answer answered Mar 28 at 15:39lambda — Filter Java Stream to 1 and only 1 element

Stuart Marks


What’s the point of limit(2) in this solution? What difference would it make whether the resulting list was 2 or 100? If it’s greater than 1. –  ryvantage Mar 28 at 18:31
It stops immediately if it finds a second match. This is what all the fancy collectors do, just using more code. :-) –  Stuart Marks Mar 29 at 3:24 

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answered Mar 27 at 17:51lambda — Filter Java Stream to 1 and only 1 element

Louis Wasserman


@skiwi’s singletonCollector was smaller and easier to follow than this, that’s why I gave him the check. But good to see consensus in the answer: a custom Collector was the way to go. –  ryvantage Mar 27 at 20:37
Fair enough. I was primarily aiming for speed, not conciseness. –  Louis WassermanMar 27 at 20:40
Yeah? Why is yours faster? –  ryvantage Mar 27 at 20:45
Mostly because allocating an all-up List is more expensive than a single mutable reference. –  Louis Wasserman Mar 27 at 20:52 
I was unable to get yours to compile –  ryvantage Mar 28 at 18:28

share|improve this answer edited Oct 3 at 17:32lambda — Filter Java Stream to 1 and only 1 element

David Conrad


answered May 24 at 19:26lambda — Filter Java Stream to 1 and only 1 element

Brian Goetz


  share|improve this answer edited Mar 27 at 18:31

answered Mar 27 at 17:37lambda — Filter Java Stream to 1 and only 1 element



I would add an identity element (null) to prevent using get(). Sadly your reduce is not working as you think it does, consider a Stream that has null elements in it, maybe you think that you covered it, but I can be [User#1, null, User#2, null, User#3], now it will not throw an exception I think, unless I’m mistaken here. –  skiwiMar 27 at 18:36
@Skiwi if there are null elements the filter will throw a NPE first. –  assylias Mar 27 at 18:37

share|improve this answer answered Mar 28 at 7:03lambda — Filter Java Stream to 1 and only 1 element



It was said that count() is not good to use because it is a terminal operation. – ryvantage Mar 28 at 18:29

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