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技术 2022年11月8日
0 收藏 458 点赞 1,614 浏览 239 个字

Implemented the “Importance Sampling of Reflections from Hair Fibers” Implemented the “Importance Sampling of Reflections from Hair Fibers”

Just the indirect specular pass by importance sampling.

Implemented the “Importance Sampling of Reflections from Hair Fibers”

With all layers.

Manually traced by 3D Hammersley sequence with 8 samples. Link to the paper.

Actually this should be done in a pure Path Tracer with 3 random number from multiple dimension rng, that keeps numerical correction.

日期:2022-11-24 点赞:878 阅读:9,489
Educational Codeforces Round 11 C. Hard Process 二分
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下载Ubuntn 17.04 内核源代码
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可用Active Desktop Calendar V7.86 注册码序列号
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