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技术 2022年11月8日
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Tool/library Name Type Input type(s) Notes Result for zero input
POSIX.1 compliant libc
4.3BSD libc
OS X 10.3 libc[2][21]
ffs Library function int Includes glibc.
POSIX does not supply the complementary log base 2 / clz.
FreeBSD 5.3 libc
OS X 10.4 libc[22]
Library function int,
fls (“find last set”) computes (log base 2) + 1. 0
FreeBSD 7.1 libc[23] ffsll
Library function long long   0
GCC __builtin_ffs[l,ll,imax] Built-in functions unsigned int,

unsigned long,

unsigned long long,

GCC 3.4.0[24][25]

Clang 5.x [26][27]


Visual Studio 2005 _BitScanForward[28]
Compiler intrinsics unsigned long,
unsigned __int64
Separate return value to indicate zero input 0
Visual Studio 2008 __lzcnt[30] Compiler intrinsic unsigned short,
unsigned int,
unsigned __int64
Relies on x64-only lzcnt instruction Input size in bits
Intel C++ Compiler _bit_scan_forward
Compiler intrinsics int   undefined
NVIDIA CUDA[32] __clz Functions 32-bit, 64-bit Compiles to fewer instructions on the GeForce 400 Series 32
__ffs 0
LLVM llvm.ctlz.*
Intrinsic 8, 16, 32, 64, 256 LLVM assembly language Input size if arg 2
is 0, else undefined
GHC 7.10 (base 4.8), in Data.Bits countLeadingZeros
Library function FiniteBits b => b Haskell programming language Input size in bits

— Built-in Function: int __builtin_ffs (unsigned int x)  Returns one plus the index of the least significant 1-bit of x, or if x is zero, returns zero.  右起第一个1的位置— Built-in Function: int __builtin_clz (unsigned int x)  Returns the number of leading 0-bits in x, starting at the most significant bit position. If x is 0, the result is undefined.  左起0的个数— Built-in Function: int __builtin_ctz (unsigned int x)  Returns the number of trailing 0-bits in x, starting at the least significant bit position. If x is 0, the result is undefined。  右起0的个数— Built-in Function: int __builtin_popcount (unsigned int x)  Returns the number of 1-bits in x.

  x中1的个数— Built-in Function: int __builtin_parity (unsigned int x)  Returns the parity of x, i.e. the number of 1-bits in x modulo 2.

  x中1的个数的奇偶上面函数都有long,long long版本[-l, -ll]。按上面表格看,也有-imax(eg, -i32 for uint32_t)  — Built-in Function: int32_t __builtin_bswap32 (int32_t x)


Returns x with the order of the bytes reversed; for example,
0xaabbccdd becomes 0xddccbbaa. Byte here always means
exactly 8 bits.

— Built-in Function: int64_t __builtin_bswap64 (int64_t x)


Similar to __builtin_bswap32, except the argument and return types
are 64-bit.

 — Built-in Function: long __builtin_expect (long exp, long c)


You may use __builtin_expect to provide the compiler with
branch prediction information. In general, you should prefer to
use actual profile feedback for this (-fprofile-arcs), as
programmers are notoriously bad at predicting how their programs
actually perform. However, there are applications in which this
data is hard to collect.

The return value is the value of exp, which should be an integral
expression. The semantics of the built-in are that it is expected that
exp == c. For example:

          if (__builtin_expect (x, 0))
foo ();

would indicate that we do not expect to call foo, since we expect x to be zero. Since you are limited to integral expressions for exp, you should use constructions such as

          if (__builtin_expect (ptr != NULL, 1))
error ();

when testing pointer or floating-point values.

— Built-in Function: void __builtin_prefetch (const void *addr, …)


This function is used to minimize cache-miss latency by moving data into
a cache before it is accessed.
You can insert calls to __builtin_prefetch into code for which
you know addresses of data in memory that is likely to be accessed soon.
If the target supports them, data prefetch instructions will be generated.
If the prefetch is done early enough before the access then the data will
be in the cache by the time it is accessed.

The value of addr is the address of the memory to prefetch.
There are two optional arguments, rw and locality.
The value of rw is a compile-time constant one or zero; one
means that the prefetch is preparing for a write to the memory address
and zero, the default, means that the prefetch is preparing for a read.
The value locality must be a compile-time constant integer between
zero and three. A value of zero means that the data has no temporal
locality, so it need not be left in the cache after the access. A value
of three means that the data has a high degree of temporal locality and
should be left in all levels of cache possible. Values of one and two
mean, respectively, a low or moderate degree of temporal locality. The
default is three.

          for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = a[i] + b[i];
__builtin_prefetch (&a[i+j], 1, 1);
__builtin_prefetch (&b[i+j], 0, 1);
/* ... */

Data prefetch does not generate faults if addr is invalid, but the address expression itself must be valid. For example, a prefetch of p->next will not fault if p->next is not a valid address, but evaluation will fault if p is not a valid address.

If the target does not support data prefetch, the address expression is evaluated if it includes side effects but no other code is generated and GCC does not issue a warning.


—This function returns the return address of the current function,or of one of its callers. The LEVEL argument is number of frames to scan up the call stack. A value of ‘0’ yields the return address of the current function,a value of ‘1’ yields the return address of the caller of the current function,and so forth.

__builtin_alloca (https://linux.die.net/man/3/alloca)

alloca – allocate memory that is automatically freed


#include <alloca.h>

void *alloca(size_t size);


The alloca() function allocates size bytes of space in the stack frame of the caller. This temporary space is automatically freed when the function that called alloca() returns to its caller.

Return Value


The alloca() function returns a pointer to the beginning of the allocated space. If the allocation causes stack overflow, program behavior is undefined.

Conforming to

This function is not in POSIX.1-2001.

There is evidence that the alloca() function appeared in 32V, PWB, PWB.2, 3BSD, and 4BSD. There is a man page for it in 4.3BSD. Linux uses the GNU version.


The alloca() function is machine- and compiler-dependent. For certain applications, its use can improve efficiency compared to the use of malloc(3) plus free(3). In certain cases, it can also simplify memory deallocation in applications that use longjmp(3) or siglongjmp(3). Otherwise, its use is discouraged.

Because the space allocated by alloca() is allocated within the stack frame, that space is automatically freed if the function return is jumped over by a call to longjmp(3) or siglongjmp(3).

Do not attempt to free(3) space allocated by alloca()!

Notes on the GNU version

Normally, gcc(1) translates calls to alloca() with inlined code. This is not done when either the -ansi, -std=c89, -std=c99, or the -fno-builtin option is given (and the header <alloca.h> is not included). But beware! By default the glibc version of <stdlib.h> includes <alloca.h> and that contains the line:

#define alloca(size)   __builtin_alloca (size)

with messy consequences if one has a private version of this function.

The fact that the code is inlined means that it is impossible to take the address of this function, or to change its behavior by linking with a different library.

The inlined code often consists of a single instruction adjusting the stack pointer, and does not check for stack overflow. Thus, there is no NULL error return.


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