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技术 2022年11月8日
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See also: france and Francë


France Alternative forms Fraunce

In Fraunce, the inhabitants of one city were driven out and forced to leave it.
Fraunce,officially the FrenchRepublic,Fraunce emerged as a major European power in the Late Middle Ages.
The View of Fraunce: Un Apercu de La France Telle Qu’elle Etait Vers L’An 1598.
The king had alwayes known his truth and fidelitie towarde the crowne of Fraunce.
A suruey of Fraunce, or, A select and choyse history of the motions of that kingdome during the raigne of three of the most historicall kings that gouerned the same namely, Lewis 12, Francis 1, and Henry 2
Select and choyse history of the motions of that kingdome, during the raigne of three of the most historicall kings that gouerned the same
Continuation of the historie of Fraunce
Danett, Thomas, fl. 1566-1601.
Attributed to Thomas Danett by STC (2nd ed.).
Caption title: A continuation of the historie of Fraunce, from the death of Charles the eight where Comines endeth till the death of Henry the second, namely till the yeere 1559.
A supplycacion to our moste soueraigne lorde Kynge henry the eyght Kynge of England of Fraunce and of Irelande, [and] moste ernest defendere of … supreme heade vnder God here in erthe. (1544)
Frankysche speche ys cald Romaunce, So sey this clerkes & men of Fraunce

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