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在开发Grain之前请先阅读Grains 这篇文章

Grain 接口

Grains通过调用各自定义在接口中的方法相互作用,一个grain实现了事先定义好的一个或多个接口,grain接口中的方法必须返回Task(如果没有返回值) 或者Task<T>(如果有类型返回值)


//an example of a Grain Interface
public interface IPlayerGrain : IGrainWithGuidKey
Task<IGameGrain> GetCurrentGame();
Task JoinGame(IGameGrain game);
Task LeaveGame(IGameGrain game);
}//an example of a Grain class implementing a Grain Interface
public class PlayerGrain : Grain, IPlayerGrain
private IGameGrain currentGame; // Game the player is currently in. May be null.
public Task<IGameGrain> GetCurrentGame()
return Task.FromResult(currentGame);
} // Game grain calls this method to notify that the player has joined the game.
public Task JoinGame(IGameGrain game)
currentGame = game;
Console.WriteLine("Player {0} joined game {1}", this.GetPrimaryKey(), game.GetPrimaryKey());
return TaskDone.Done;
} // Game grain calls this method to notify that the player has left the game.
public Task LeaveGame(IGameGrain game)
currentGame = null;
Console.WriteLine("Player {0} left game {1}", this.GetPrimaryKey(), game.GetPrimaryKey());
return TaskDone.Done;
Grain 引用
来创建,开发人员使用它就像使用普通.net 对象一样,它可以作为一个方法的返回值传递一个方法,如下:
在orleans 客户端代码:
  //construct the grain reference of a specific player
IPlayerGrain player = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain<IPlayerGrain>(playerId);

 //construct the grain reference of a specific player
IPlayerGrain player = GrainFactory.GetGrain<IPlayerGrain>(playerId);
Grain方法调用Orleans编程模型是一组异步编程模型,可以使用async and await,更详细的文章请看这里
//Invoking a grain method asynchronously
Task joinGameTask = player.JoinGame(this);
//The `await` keyword effectively turns the remainder of the method into a closure that will asynchronously execute upon completion of the Task being awaited without blocking the executing thread.
await joinGameTask;
//The next lines will be turned into a closure by the C# compiler.
也可以连接两个或者两个以上的Task 然后组合一个Task来完成任务,这是一种比较有用的方式,等待所有的任务完成然后在统计,如下实例:
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
ChirperMessage chirp = CreateNewChirpMessage(text);
foreach (IChirperSubscriber subscriber in Followers.Values)
Task joinedTask = Task.WhenAll(tasks);
await joinedTask;

TaskDone.Done Utility Property

有没有一个标准的方式返回一个void的返回值呢,答案是肯定的,Orleans 为我们定义一个助手类:TaskDone.Done



  • Orleans.dll
  • OrleansRuntimeInterfaces.dll

几乎任何一个客户端都会涉及到grain 工厂方法的使用,使用这个方法通过一个特殊的Id来引用,正如已经提到的grain不能被显式创建或者销毁。

GrainClient.Initialize();// Hardcoded player ID
Guid playerId = new Guid("{2349992C-860A-4EDA-9590-000000000006}");
IPlayerGrain player = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain<IPlayerGrain>(playerId);IGameGrain game = player.CurrentGame.Result;
var watcher = new GameObserver();
var observer = GrainClient.GrainFactory.CreateObjectReference<IGameObserver>(watcher);
await game.SubscribeForGameUpdates();
在orleans 的编程模型中客户端与服务端的通讯类似于grain之间的通讯,区别是client的调用是可能是多线程调用,而grain之间被约束为单线程,客户端库使用TPL的线程池管理的延续和回调,
所以它是由客户端来管理自己的并发,使用任何同步构建适合其环境–锁、事件、TPL 任务,等等。
订阅通知必须首先创建一个实现了观察者接口的对象,然后在grain factory里调用CreateObjectReference方法,转向grain对象的引用,然后可以将其传递给通知grain的订阅方法。
该模型也可以被其他grain用于接收异步通知。不像在客户端订阅的情况,订阅grain只是实现Observer接口作为一个面,并通过对自身的引用 (e.g. this.AsReference<IChirperViewer>).
namespace PlayerWatcher
class Program
/// <summary>
/// Simulates a companion application that connects to the game
/// that a particular player is currently part of, and subscribes
/// to receive live notifications about its progress.
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
GrainClient.Initialize(); // Hardcoded player ID
Guid playerId = new Guid("{2349992C-860A-4EDA-9590-000000000006}");
IPlayerGrain player = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain<IPlayerGrain>(playerId);
IGameGrain game = null; while (game == null)
Console.WriteLine("Getting current game for player {0}...", playerId); try
game = player.CurrentGame.Result;
if (game == null) // Wait until the player joins a game
catch (Exception exc)
Console.WriteLine("Exception: ", exc.GetBaseException());
} Console.WriteLine("Subscribing to updates for game {0}...", game.GetPrimaryKey()); // Subscribe for updates
var watcher = new GameObserver();
game.SubscribeForGameUpdates(GrainClient.GrainFactory.CreateObjectReference<IGameObserver>(watcher)).Wait(); // .Wait will block main thread so that the process doesn't exit.
// Updates arrive on thread pool threads.
Console.WriteLine("Subscribed successfully. Press <Enter> to stop.");
catch (Exception exc)
Console.WriteLine("Unexpected Error: {0}", exc.GetBaseException());
} /// <summary>
/// Observer class that implements the observer interface.
/// Need to pass a grain reference to an instance of this class to subscribe for updates.
/// </summary>
private class GameObserver : IGameObserver
// Receive updates
public void UpdateGameScore(string score)
Console.WriteLine("New game score: {0}", score);
允许应用程序与外界交互的orleans grains,框架包括客户端库。此客户端程序库可能由桌面或移动应用程序使用,或由呈现交互式网页或公开Web服务接口的前端服务器使用。
建立一个连接,客户端通过调用GrainClient.Initialize(),他将连接到silo在配置文件(ClientConfiguration.xml )中指定的ip和端口,这个文件必须和
Orleans.dll放在同一个目录下,作为一种替代,你也可以通过编程的方式加载一个配置文件然后通过GrainClient.Initialize() 初始化来使用。
在客户端配置文件中(ClientConfiguration.xml),指定网关端点的ip和端口,它需要去匹配silo中配置文件(OrleansConfiguration.xml )中指定的网关
<ClientConfiguration xmlns="urn:orleans">
<Gateway Address="<IP address or host name of silo>" Port="30000" />
如果Orleans运行在Windows Azure,客户端就会自动发现网关信息,而就不需要静态配置了,可以参考这个实例 Azure application sample 配置silos
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OrleansConfiguration xmlns="urn:orleans">
<Networking Address="" Port="11111" />
<ProxyingGateway Address="" Port="30000" />
grain 持久化
1.允许不同的grain类型使用不同的存储类型providers(一个用Azure 表,一个用SQL Azure )相同类型的存储提供程序,但具有不同的配置(两个使用Azure表,但一个使用存储帐户)。
grain 持久化API
1.拓展Grain 如果他们没有任何持久的状态,或如果他们将处理所有自己的持久状态,或者
2.Extend Grain<T> 如果他们有一些持久态,他们希望Orleans良运行时处理。
另外,通过拓展Grain<T> grain类型自动选择Orleans框架的系统管理的持久化。对于本节的其他部分,我们只会考虑选择 #2 / Grain<T> ,因为条件限制。Grain 状态存储
public class MyGrain<MyGrainState> ...
Orleans Provider 管理框架提供了一种机制,以指定和注册silo配置文件不同的存储提供和存储操作。
<OrleansConfiguration xmlns="urn:orleans">
<Provider Type="Orleans.Storage.MemoryStorage" Name="DevStore" />
<Provider Type="Orleans.Storage.AzureTableStorage" Name="store1"
DataConnectionString="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=data1;AccountKey=SOMETHING1" />
<Provider Type="Orleans.Storage.AzureBlobStorage" Name="store2"
DataConnectionString="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=data2;AccountKey=SOMETHING2" />
<Provider Type="Orleans.Storage.AzureTableStorage" Name="TableStore"
DataConnectionString="UseDevelopmentStorage=true" />
以下属性可以添加到<Provider / >元素来配置提供者:
  • DataConnectionString="..." (强制) – Azure 存储连接字符串。
  • TableName="OrleansGrainState" (可选) – 表存储中使用的表名称,默认OrleansGrainState
  • DeleteStateOnClear="false" (可选) – 如果是true,当清除grain时记录被删除,否则将写入一个空记录,默认为false
  • UseJsonFormat="false" (可选) – 如果为true, 使用json序列化, 使用Orleans的二进制序列化, 默认 false
  • UseFullAssemblyNames="false" (可选) – (如果 UseJsonFormat="true") 如果为true则使用程序集全名,否则使用简单名, 默认为 false
  • IndentJSON="false" (可选) – (如果 UseJsonFormat="true") 如果为true压缩json序列化, 默认false


Failure Modes)。
在OnActivateAsync()(等同于base.ReadStateAsync()的调用)方法的调用时将激活GrainState 的自动读取,在任何调用grain的方法之前GrainState 的状态是不会刷新,除非是,grain 激活后的这个调用。
通常,grain的方法将返回base.writestateasync() Task 从grain方法返回结果Task 作为最终的结果,但它并不需要遵循这个模式。在任何grain方法后,运行时不会自动更新储存的grain的状态。
在grain的任何一种方法或计时器回调处理程序中,grain可以request奥尔良运行时重新读取当前grain 状态数据,通过调用base.readstateasync()激活从指定的存储provider。
An opaque provider-specific Etag value (stringmay be set by a storage provider as part of the grain state metadata populated when state was read. Some providers may choose to leave this as null if they do not useEtags.从概念上讲,

grain类也应该有一个[ storageprovider ]特性告诉运行时存储provider(实例)使用这种类型的grain。
public interface MyGrainState : GrainState
public int Field1 { get; set; }
public string Field2 { get; set; }
public class MyPersistenceGrain : Grain<MyGrainState>, IMyPersistenceGrain

Grain State Read

在grain的OnActivateAsync()方法调用之前,grain 的读取状态将会自动发生,没有应用程序代码使使这种情况发生是必需的。要查看这个状态,可以通过grain 类的Grain<T>.State属性。

Grain State Write


public Task DoWrite(int val)
State.Field1 = val;
return base.WriteStateAsync();

Grain State Refresh

如果一个grain希望显式地重新从provider读取这个grain的最新状态,grain 应该调用base.ReadStateAsync() 方法,这将重新加载grain的状态从持久存储里,通过定义的存储provider的grain类型,在grain状态存储器复制以往任何将被覆盖和取代base.readstateasync()任务完成时。

public async Task<int> DoRead()
await base.ReadStateAsync();
return State.Field1;
常见的存储provider为一个特定的grain读取状态数据会导致ReadStateAsync() Task 调用失败。grain可以选择处理或忽略,失败的Task,在Orleans就像任何其他的Task。
Failures encountered by the storage provider to write state data for a particular grain will result in theWriteStateAsync() Task to be faulted. Usually,
this will mean the grain call will be faulted back to the client caller provided the WriteStateAsync() Task is correctly chained in to the final return Task for this grain method. However,
it will be possible for certain advanced scenarios to write grain code to specifically handle such write errors,
just like they can handle any other faulted Task.Grains that execute error-handling / recovery code must catch exceptions / faulted WriteStateAsync()Tasks and not re-throw to
signify that they have successfully handled the write error.注意:此段对于程序中的细节处理非常重要

Storage Provider Framework

有编写额外的持久化provider的服务提供程序接口 – IStorageProvider。持久性提供程序API包括读和写操作grainstate数据。

public interface IStorageProvider
Logger Log { get; }
Task Init();
Task Close(); Task ReadStateAsync(string grainType, GrainId grainId, GrainState grainState);
Task WriteStateAsync(string grainType, GrainId grainId, GrainState grainState);

Storage Provider Semantics


public class InconsistentStateException : AggregateException
/// <summary>The Etag value currently held in persistent storage.</summary>
public string StoredEtag { get; private set; }
/// <summary>The Etag value currently held in memory, and attempting to be updated.</summary>
public string CurrentEtag { get; private set; } public InconsistentStateException(
string errorMsg,
string storedEtag,
string currentEtag,
Exception storageException
) : base(errorMsg, storageException)
this.StoredEtag = storedEtag;
this.CurrentEtag = currentEtag;
} public InconsistentStateException(string storedEtag, string currentEtag, Exception storageException)
: this(storageException.Message, storedEtag, currentEtag, storageException)
{ }

Data Mapping



Application Bootstrapping within a Silo


我们现在已经增加了支持这种自动运行功能通过配置“orleans silo provider”。例如:

<OrleansConfiguration xmlns="urn:orleans">
<Provider Type="My.App.BootstrapClass1" Name="bootstrap1" />
<Provider Type="My.App.BootstrapClass2" Name="bootstrap2" />
public void RegisterBootstrapProvider(string providerTypeFullName, string providerName, IDictionary<string, string> properties = null)public void RegisterBootstrapProvider<T>(string providerName, IDictionary<string, string> properties = null) where T : IBootstrapProvider Orleans.Runtime.Configuration.GlobalConfiguration class.这个启动项provider 是实现了Orleans.Providers.IBootstrapProvider接口
当silo 启动时,Orleans 运行时就是实例化bootstrap 类列表,在适当的运行上下文执行时调用他们的init方法,作为一个客户端发送消息到grains
Task Init(
string name,
IProviderRuntime providerRuntime,
IProviderConfiguration config)
例外情况是,当silo启动调用silo抛出异常时,这个silo就会停止。This fail-fast approach is the standard way that Orleans handles silo start-up issues,
and is intended to allow any problems with silo configuration and/or bootstrap logic to be easily
detected during testing phases rather than being silently ignored and causing unexpected problems later in the silo lifecycle.定时器和提醒(Timers and reminders)Orleans 运行时提供了两个机制:定时器和提醒的功能,允许grain周期性的执行某一个行为。


描述:定时器是用来创建周期性grain的行为,不需要跨多个激活的grain实例。它本质上是一组.NET System.Threading.Timer 类,另外它是受单线程执行保护的grain激活。


用法:开始一个定时器,要使用 Grain.RegisterTimer 方法, 返回一个实现 IDisposable 引用的实例

protected IDisposable RegisterTimer(Func<object, Task> asyncCallback, object state, TimeSpan dueTime, TimeSpan period)asyncCallback 当定时器到执行时间的时候调用的一个函数或者功能。
state  当执行asyncCallback 时传入的一个对象
dueTime 指定定时器开始执行时第一次执行的等待时间。
period 指定定时器执行的时间间隔取消定时器的处理:当激活被deactivated 或当一个故障发生时,一个定时器将停止触发,并且它的silo崩溃。重要的考虑因素:
  • When activation collection is enabled, the execution of a timer callback does not change the activation’s state from idle to in use. This means that a timer cannot be used to postpone deactivation of otherwise idle activations.
  • The period passed to Grain.RegisterTimer is the amount of time that passes from the moment the Task returned by asyncCallback is resolved to the moment that the next invocation of asyncCallback should occur. This not only makes it impossible for successive calls to asyncCallback to overlap but also makes it so that the length of time asyncCallback takes to complete affects the frequency at whichasyncCallback is invoked. This is an important deviation from the semantics of System.Threading.Timer.
  • Each invocation of asyncCallback is delivered to an activation on a separate turn and will never run concurrently with other turns on the same activation. Note however, asyncCallback invocations are not delivered as messages and are thus not subject to message interleaving semantics. This means that invocations of asyncCallback should be considered to behave as if running on a reentrant grain with respect to other messages to that grain.





  • 提醒持续存在,并将继续触发在所有情况下(包括部分或全部集群重新启动)除非明确取消。
  • 提醒与一个grain,没有任何特定的激活.
  • If a grain has no activation associated with it and a reminder ticks, one will be created. e.g.: If an activation becomes idle and is deactivated, a reminder associated with the same grain will reactivate the grain when it ticks next.
  • Reminders are delivered by message and are subject to the same interleaving semantics as all other grain methods.
  • 提醒不应该被用于高频定时器,它们的周期应该在几分钟,几小时或几天内测量。


 提醒,是持久的,依赖于存储到功能。您必须指定在提醒子系统功能之前使用的存储支持。提醒功能是通过在服务器端配置的systemstore元控制。它与Azure Table 或 SQL Server 存储一起协作。
<SystemStore SystemStoreType="AzureTable" /> OR
<SystemStore SystemStoreType="SqlServer" />
<ReminderService ReminderServiceType="ReminderTableGrain"/>使用:如果一个grain要使用提醒功能就必须实现接口IRemindable内的方法RecieveReminder 
Task IRemindable.ReceiveReminder(string reminderName, TickStatus status)
Console.WriteLine("Thanks for reminding me-- I almost forgot!");
return TaskDone.Done;
protected Task<IOrleansReminder> RegisterOrUpdateReminder(string reminderName, TimeSpan dueTime, TimeSpan period)
  • reminderName 是一个唯一的标识,在grain上下文范围内。
  • dueTime 指定第一次提醒多久开始执行。
  • period 指定执行间隔。


protected Task UnregisterReminder(IOrleansReminder reminder) Grain.RegisterOrUpdateReminder.方法的调用会返回提醒操作handler如果你想在一个持续的方式识别一个提醒,使用一个包含提醒的名称的字符串的IOrleansReminder 实例不能保证有效期超出一个激活的寿命。
protected Task<IOrleansReminder> GetReminder(string reminderName)我们该用那个一个功能呢?
  • It doesn’t matter (or is desirable) that the timer ceases to function if the activation is deactivated or failures occur.
  • If the resolution of the timer is small (e.g. reasonably expressible in seconds or minutes).
  • The timer callback can be started from Grain.OnActivateAsync or when a grain method is invoked.
  • When the periodic behavior needs to survive the activation and any failures.
  • To perform infrequent tasks (e.g. reasonably expressible in minutes, hours, or days).
You might consider using a combination of reminders and timers to accomplish your goal.
For example, if you need a timer with a small resolution that needs to survive across activations,
you can use a reminder that runs every five minutes, whose purpose is to wake up
a grain that restarts a local timer that may have been lost due to a deactivation.

Orleans Streams

Orleans v.1.0.0添加流扩展的编程模型支持,流扩展提供了一组抽象接口api,使它的流更简单和更强大的,流扩展允许开发人员以结构化的方式写操作在一系列事件上的应用程序。

流provider的可扩展性模型使得在广泛的现有的队列技术的编程模型兼容和方便,例如: Event Hubs,ServiceBusAzure Queues, 和 Apache Kafka. 而不必要写特殊代码或运行专用程序与这样的队列进行交互。


如果你已经了解了一些关于流处理的技术如:Event HubsKafka,Azure Stream AnalyticsApache StormApache Spark Streaming, 和Reactive Extensions (Rx)

你可能会问你为什么要关心,为什么我们需要另一个流处理系统和Actor是如何相关的流?“Why Orleans Streams?”可以回答你的问题


下面是一些Orleans 流编程模型原则:

  1. 在Orleans 的体系里 Orleans virtual actors, Orleans 流是虚拟的,也就是说,一个流总是存在的。它不是显式创建或销毁,它永远不会失败。
  2. 流的身份ID识别,这只是逻辑名称由GUID字符串表示。
  3. Orleans 流数据的生成将允许从时间和空间上减弱它们的依赖性。这意味着流的生产者和流的消费者可能会在不同的服务器上,在不同的时间,并将承受失败。
  4. Orleans 的流是轻量级和动态的,Orleans 流运行时的设计是处理高速大数据。
  5. Orleans 流是动态绑定的,Orleans 流运行时的设计处理的情况下,grain连接和断开流在一个较高的速度。
  6. Orleans 流运行时透明地管理流消费的生命周期。当应用程序订阅一个流,然后它将接收流的事件,即使是在出现故障。
  7. Orleans 流均匀分布在grain和 工作的客户端。


应用程序流访问APIs类似于众所周知的 Reactive Extensions (Rx) in .NET,通过使用 Orleans.Streams.IAsyncStream<T> 实现了Orleans.Streams.IAsyncObserver<T> 和 Orleans.Streams.IAsyncObservable<T> 的接口。
public async Task OnHttpCall(DeviceEvent deviceEvent)
// Post data directly into device's stream.
IStreamProvider streamProvider = GrainClient.GetStreamProvider("myStreamProvider");
IAsyncStream<DeviceEventData> deviceStream = streamProvider.GetStream<DeviceEventData>(deviceEvent.DeviceId);
await chatStream.OnNextAsync(deviceEvent.Data);
另一个例子是在聊天的用户(如Orleans 的grain)实施加入聊天室,得到一个处理流的聊天信息在这房间里的所有其他用户产生和订阅它。注意,聊天用户既不需要知道聊天室的grain本身(可能不会有这样的grain在我们的系统中),也不是在该组的其他用户产生消息。不用说,对产生的聊天流,用户不需要知道谁是目前订阅的流。这演示了如何聊天用户可以完全解耦的时间和空间。
public class ChatUser: Grain
public async Task JoinChat(string chatGroupName)
IStreamProvider streamProvider = base.GetStreamProvider("myStreamProvider");
IAsyncStream<string> chatStream = streamProvider.GetStream<string>(chatGroupName);
await chatStream.SubscribeAsync((string chatEvent) => Console.Out.Write(chatEvent));
快速入门示例Quick Start Sample (这里是一个演示的例子),Streams Programming APIs (流编程模型APIs)

Stream Providers


Orleans 流的设计是支持多种Stream Providers的概念,这是系统中的一个可拓展点,Orleans 目前提供两种Stream providers。

基本的Tcp 通信Simple Message Stream Provider和云队列Azure Queue Stream Provider,你可以在这里(Stream Providers)找到更消息的介绍

Stream 意义

Stream Subsription Semantics: Orleans Streams guarantee Sequential Consistency for Stream Subsription operations. Specificaly, when consumer subscribes to a stream, once the Task representing the subsription operation was successfuly resolved, the consumer will see all events that were generated after it has subscribed. In addition, Rewindable streams allow to subscribe from an arbitrary point in time in the past by using StreamSequenceToken (more details can be found here).

Individual Stream Events Delivery Guarantees: Individual event delivery guarantees depend on individual stream providers. Some provide only best-effort at-most-once delivery (such as Simple Message Streams), while others provide at-least-once delivery (such as Azure Queue Streams). It is even possible to build a stream provider that will guarantee exactly-once delivery (we don’t have such a provider yet, but it is possible to build one with the extensability model).

Events Delivery Order: Event order also depends on a particular stream provider. In SMS streams, the producer explicitelly controls the order of events seen by the consumer by controlling the way it publishes them. Azure Queue streams do not guarantee FIFO order, since the underlaying Azure Queues do not guarantee order in failure cases. Applications can also control their own stream delivery ordering, by usingStreamSequenceToken.



Orleans Streams Implementation提供了一个高层次的内部实施概述。

Streams 的可拓展性

Orleans Streams Extensibility 描述如何用新的功能扩展流。

Code Samples





Symbols for Orleans binaries are published to https://nuget.smbsrc.net symbols server. Add it to the list of symbols server in the Visual Studio options under Debugging/Symbols for debugging Orleans code. Make sure there is traling slash in the URL. Visual Studio 2015 has a bug with parsing it.

上一篇: BETA阶段冲刺集合
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