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技术 2022年11月16日
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 //CacheObj.h #ifndef __CacheObj__
#define __CacheObj__ #include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <malloc.h> /*
* memory allocation class: Pre-allocates objects and
* maintains a freelist of objects that are unused
* When an object if freed, it is put back on the freelist
* some of the memory will be only returned when the program exist;
template < typename Type >
class CacheObj
static void* operator new(std::size_t);
#if 1
static void* operator new[](std::size_t);
#endif static void operator delete(void*, std::size_t);
#if 1
static void operator delete[](void*, std::size_t);
#endif virtual ~CacheObj(){} protected:
Type *next;
static void list_free(void); private:
static void add_to_freelist(Type *);
static Type* freelist;
static std::size_t unuse_size; //未用链表的长度不会超过2 * chunk;
static const std::size_t chunk;
}; template < typename Type > Type* CacheObj< Type >::freelist = NULL;
template < typename Type > std::size_t CacheObj< Type >::unuse_size = ;
template < typename Type > const std::size_t CacheObj< Type >::chunk = ; template < typename Type >
void* CacheObj< Type >::operator new(std::size_t size)
* new should only be asked to build a Type;
* not an object derived from T;
* check that right size is requested
if(size != sizeof(Type))
throw std::runtime_error("CacheObj: wrong size object in operator new");
} //if list is empty: grab a new chunk of memory
//allocate allocates chunk number of objects of type Type
if(NULL == freelist)
#if 0
*很明显的bug例子:int *p = (int*)malloc(8*sizeof(int)); free(p); free(p+4);
* list_free()函数,其中每次free都以一个object的地址为参数,如同给出的bug示例,所以错了
Type* array = (Type*)malloc(size * chunk);
if(NULL == array)
throw std::runtime_error("CacheObj: wrong size object in operator new");
#endif //allocate allocates chunk number of objects of type T
for(unsigned int i = ; i != chunk; i++)
#if 1
Type* array = (Type*)malloc(size);
if(NULL == array)
throw std::runtime_error("CacheObj: wrong size object in operator new");
#if 0
} Type *p = freelist;
freelist = freelist->CacheObj< Type >::next;
p->CacheObj< Type >::next = NULL;
return p;
} #if 1
template < typename Type >
void* CacheObj< Type >::operator new[](std::size_t size)
void *p = malloc(size);
return p;
#endif template <typename Type >
void CacheObj< Type >::operator delete(void* p, std::size_t)
if(p != )
add_to_freelist(static_cast< Type* >(p));
} #if 1
template < typename Type >
void CacheObj< Type >::operator delete[](void* p, std::size_t)
#endif template < typename Type >
void CacheObj< Type >::list_free(void)
Type *temp = freelist;
freelist = temp->CacheObj< Type >::next;
} //puts object at head of the freelist
template < typename Type >
void CacheObj< Type >::add_to_freelist(Type *p)
return; if(unuse_size >> == chunk)
return ;
} unuse_size++;
p->CacheObj< Type >::next = freelist;
freelist = p;
} #endif
//QueueItem.h#ifndef __QUEUEITEM__
#define __QUEUEITEM__#include "CacheObj.h"template < typename Type > class Queue; //下面因为进行类模板特化,所以此处先声明template < typename Type >
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Queue< Type >&); //下面需要进行函数模特化,所以此处先声明template < typename Type >
class QueueItem: public CacheObj< QueueItem< Type > >
friend class Queue< Type >; //类模板特化
friend std::ostream& operator<< < Type >(std::ostream&, const Queue< Type >&); //函数模板特化
//private class : no public section; QueueItem(const Type &t): item(t), next(){} Type item; //value stored in this element;
QueueItem *next; //pointer to next element in the Queue; ~QueueItem(void)
next = NULL;
};template < typename Type >
class Queue
friend std::ostream& operator<< < Type >(std::ostream&, const Queue< Type >&); //函数模板特化
//empty Queue
Queue(void):head(), tail(){} //copy control to manage pointers to QueueItems in the Queue
Queue(const Queue &Q):head(), tail()
} template < typename Iter >
Queue(Iter beg, Iter end); //成员模板 ~Queue(void); Queue& operator=(const Queue&); Type& front(void); const Type& front(void) const; //return element from head of Queue; void push(const Type&); //add element to back of Queue;
void pop(void); //remove element from head of Queue;
bool empty(void)const; //true if no elements in Queue; private:
QueueItem< Type >* head; //pointer to first element in Queue;
QueueItem< Type >* tail; //pointer to last element in Queue; //utility functions used by copy constructor, assignment, and destructor
void destroy(void); //delete all the elements;
void copy_elems(const Queue&); //copy elements from parameter template < typename Iter >
void copy_elems(Iter beg, Iter end); //成员模板,且重载上一函数
template < typename Type >
template < typename Iter >
Queue< Type >::Queue(Iter beg, Iter end):head(), tail()
copy_elems(beg, end);
}template < typename Type >
Queue< Type >::~Queue(void)
}template < typename Type >
Queue< Type >& Queue< Type >::operator=(const Queue<Type>& src)
Queue< Type >* pt = head;
if(head != )
QueueItem< Type >* temp = pt;
pt = pt->next;
delete temp;
} head = tail = ;
}template < typename Type >
Type& Queue< Type >::front(void)
return head->item;
}template < typename Type >
const Type& Queue< Type >::front(void) const
return head->item;
}template < typename Type >
void Queue< Type >::push(const Type& val)
//allocate a new QueueItem object;
QueueItem< Type >* pt = new QueueItem< Type >(val);//put item onto existing queue;
head = tail = pt; //the queue now has only one element;
tail->next = pt; //add new element to end of the queue;
tail = pt;
}//pop is unchecked: Popping off an empty Queue is undefined;
template < typename Type >
void Queue< Type >::pop(void)
QueueItem< Type >* p = head; //keep pointer to head so we can delete it;
head = head->next; //head now points to next element;
delete p; //delete old head element;
}template < typename Type >
bool Queue< Type >::empty(void)const
return head == ;
template < typename Type >
void Queue< Type >::destroy(void)
pop(); QueueItem< Type >::list_free();
}//copy elements from orig into this Queue;
//loop stops when pt == 0, which happens when we reach orig.tail;
template < typename Type >
void Queue< Type >::copy_elems(const Queue< Type >& orig)
for(QueueItem< Type >*pt = orig.head; pt = pt->next;)
template < typename Type >
template < typename Iter >
void Queue< Type >::copy_elems(Iter beg, Iter end)
while(beg != end)
template < typename Type >
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Queue< Type >& q)
os << "< ";
QueueItem< Type >*p; for(p = q.head; p ; p = p->next)
os << p->item << " ";
os << ">";
return os;
 //test.cpp #include <iostream>
#include "QueueItem.h" int main(void)
int array[] = {, , , , };
Queue<int> qi(array + , array + );
short s = ;
std::cout << qi << std::endl; return ;
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